Take a look at all the Community Projects that we get involved with.
Outside the workings of the Drayton Arts Festival, the team also has been involved in initiating various local Community Projects.
2017: Working with the local Men’s Shed Group to supply and fit a plywood overlay to cover the damaged floor on the stage in the main hall at the Grove School to re-enable safe use of the area for performances.
2018: Designing a large five- section mural to commemorate the Centenary of WW1 and pay tribute to the all the men of Market Drayton who gave their lives in service to their country. The mural was made from donated sheets of plywood, collections of old buttons and red waxed cup-cake papers. Members of the community of various ages all helped to create the mural, which is now on permanent display in the main hall of the Beacon Community Centre.
2019: With financial help from the Town Council, a weekly two-hour Junior Art Club was set up at the Phoenix Community Centre run by a local art/craft practitioner and a paid assistant. It was very successful but sadly had to close after a year because the paid assistant was offered employment with more hours. Despite several attempts to advertise for a replacement, there was no interest.
2020: Sponsoring the printing of copies of a 30pp booklet of poems dedicated to the NHS written by local poet and artist, Irene Stasinski, which were distributed at her request to all hospital wards in North Shropshire and Care Homes in Market Drayton.
2022: In partnership with Market Drayton Community Enterprise.
Commissioning a wood and stained-glass sculpture sited in the centre of town to commemorate the dedicated work of local NHS, Care and Keyworkers during the Covid epidemic.
2023/24: Working with the Head of Grove School Art Department to raise funds via local donations and community hosted events to help with the
purchase a much-needed replacement pottery kiln for the Grove School Art Department. The old kiln having been declared unserviceable and the school management unable to commit funding for a replacement.
2023/24 Supporting a local world record attempt at the longest length of crochet bunting, involving members of the community of all ages. Organised by
The Little Haberdashery, 2 Wilkinson Walk Cheshire Street
2023/24: In partnership with members of Market Drayton's Men's Shed, two sets of safety rails have been installed on the steps at either side of the stage in the Main Hall Grove School to enable safer access to the stage for people with limited mobility. A donation to pay for all the materials required to do this work was given by John Upton, a member of the local community.